Wednesday 4 September 2013


Before I start, I realise that this is a long blog but lots happened today & no photos as it was not appropriate.

Well we all managed to get a bit more sleep ready for a busy & challenging day working at the 'Missionaries of Charity' the work started by Mother Theresa. We arrived at the main centre at 7.15am not knowing what to expect, there were about 60 people there waiting to volunteer for the day. Most had been to daily morning mass already that runs everyday from 6-7am which is followed by breakfast. Some of our team had planned to attend but due to a faulty alarm clock didn't make it.
We all prayed together reading a set prayer,  then sang a song dedicating ourselves to the service of Christ for the tasks of the day, which was very moving. Here is the prayer .....

Dear Lord, the Great Healer, I kneel before you,
Since every perfect gift must come from You.
I pray, give skill to my hands, clear vision to my mind,
kindness and meekness to my heart.
Give me singleness of purpose, strength to lift up a part
of the burden of my suffering fellow men, and a true
realization of the privilege that is mine.
Take from my heart all guile and worldliness,
That with the simple faith of a child, I may rely on You.
(From A Simple Heart, by Mother Teresa. Published by Ballantine Books, 1995)"

After this we split into two groups, because Sally is a trained nurse she was used in a clinic that runs out one of the children's homes and I went with her as it was best for us to not go places alone. I was working in the home for disabled children. David & Paul were asked to go to a care home for men who were mainly elderly but there were some disabled men housed there too. Fiona & Katherine went to the women's section of the same place. The homes were run very differently, although they did similar things, starting with hanging the laundry they then were told to pray & talk to the residents, serve them a snack, help with getting in & out of bed & going to the toilet, they made beds & helped with serving lunch. Their place of work required a bus trip there which to their surprise was segregated between men & women & a motorozied rickshaw home.

Sally had a tough time dressing wounds, this included pulling maggots out of a man's toe which was rotting & badly needed amputation, she also helped with dispensing medication.
I was surprised how challenged I felt with the idea of working with disabled children, the experience was very challenging and humbling. Most of the children have cerebral palsy and have been either abandoned or orphaned. Some of the duties we did included feeding them and changing them but the most important thing was just to love them giving lots of hugs, smiles and just holding them while they cried or screamed with frustration. I was amazed at the love that the sisters and helpers showed each child and how much the children love them.  Today I have recieved some of the most beautiful smiles I have ever seen. What is mission? Much to think about.


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