Thursday 19 September 2013

Bonus Experiences

David, Hazel, Katherine and Sally have made it safely back to England. Not sure if their sleeping pattern is adjusted yet though.

Paul and Fiona are snatching some extra days in Jaipur, Agra & Delhi before returning home in the early hours of Sunday. It has been a blessing sharing the experiences of Kolkata together for we know the others found it hard to have such awesome experiences without being able to share it with their spouses.

We have enjoyed the many tourist sights including the spectacular Taj Mahal.  We have learnt about and seen the rich history of the area. We enjoyed a ride to the Amber Fort on elephant back.

One niggle is the whole tipping culture (brought here by the British!) because it feels that many people see us as a source of money compared to Kolkata where we mostly felt valued as people first & received a warm unconditional welcome. I suspect many are underpaid and rely on our tips. Despite this people are friendly and welcoming. India is a wonderful place.

Posted by Paul

Saturday 14 September 2013

Ministry in the villages

Our first stop, as part of a medical camp

Sally sharing her faith

The best breakfast ever!!!!!!

Another medical camp under a tamarind tree

A special moment as a new believer is baptised

More travel

Somebody thinks he is Indiana Jones!

Smiling though I was holding on for dear life

Hazel in the midst of typically mad traffic

Fiona posing by the bike/rickshaw that 8 of us rode!

Don't rock the boat

A converted van
Hanging on to the back of the van - the cheap seats! Do we need a risk assessment?

Travelling through West Bengal

A hot and sweaty train ride
Recreation in a village

Arrived at the first village

The ferry

A Soya Milk factory in the slum

Squeezing out the milk from the boiled soya

Are we going to drink it?  Yes, it was delicious!

Pictures from Mon/Tue

Hazel telling the story of Noah

Sally and Katherine helping feed the babies

A recovery day

After a leisurely breakfast we set off for the botanical gardens, drove through a monsoon which thankfully stopped as we arrived.  We walked through lush growth of many interesting plants and trees and found time to relax a bit.  We found shade under a 250 year old Banyan tree which spread over the size of an athletics track!

Lunch was at a colonial eating house.  I loved the Chilli Omelette and the cakes were fantastic.

As our trip reaches its last couple of days our thoughts have started to turn towards home - we were not impressed when we heard what the weather is like in the UK.  Can somebody sort it out please?  Fiona and Paul are deserting the team at the airport and will go to Jaipur, Agra and Delhi as tourists for a few extra days of humid heat and curry!

Posted by Paul