Sunday 1 September 2013

The excitement builds

We have packed, prepared and prayed and the alarm is set for 3:30 tomorrow morning.  But this doesn't all seem real yet, I've been busy and can't quite get my head around the trip.  Sitting on a plane for endless hours will bring the opportunity for reflection and anticipation and I'm sure it will feel very real when we step foot in Kolkata in the very early hours of Tuesday morning.

Please pray for safety in travel, for smooth journeys and that the team will gel quickly.

Written by Paul.


  1. Trusting the travel there goes hitchfree. Am looking forward to news of safe arrival and first impressions. Gareth

  2. As you land in the early hours of the morning, may God give you peace and a sense of expectation as to what He will do over the course of the next two weeks, both in your lives and the lives of those you touch. God bless, Ed
